In 2005, I was fortunate to be struck with a life changing, light bulb moment that forever changed the way I view the world. More accurately, the construct that was obscuring reality was shattered in an instant.

The name of this blog, Sybillene, is borrowed from the fictional book “Drug Lord” written by Doug Casey and is an nod to his work. Truly, the emperor wears no clothes, and my goal is to encourage others to ignore the magician’s wand being waved in our faces in attempts to distract us from the reality that is in plain view.

I want to challenge main stream narratives and long held beliefs that have been pounded into our heads, but are often based on little more than half-truths at best and outright lies at worst. Hopefully, I motivate you to dig deeper to see if I’m full of shit so that you begin to discover the real world that’s that’s been hidden from you. You may not like what you discover at first, but the truth will set you free.

I’m not a doctor, scientist, or expert in anything and I’m certainly not offering advice. This blog is to entertain and inform. What you choose to do with this information is solely up to you.

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Challenging mainstream narratives and supporting independent thought.


Skeptic. Political atheist. Proponent of healthy lifestyles and individual liberty & freedom.