A few weeks ago a work colleague was riding along with me to call on some accounts, and during our drive time he broached the subject of COVID and the vaccine mandates.
He informed me that he had COVID first and then decided to get the vaccine, but he didn’t agree with the mandates being forced on the American public. He also mentioned that his wife, who happens to be a nurse, got vaccinated and then ended up getting infected with COVID and was very sick.
I told him I agreed with his stance on the vaccine mandates, but of course, I took the crack of an opening he gave me and kicked the door wide open. I explained how I didn’t see the point of mandates since both Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of the CDC, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the NIAID, stated in interviews that the vaccines do not prevent a person from being infected with COVID or spreading it.
If all the vaccines that aren’t vaccines do is possibly reduce the risk of severe COVID by an average of less than 1%, how is forcing someone else to get an experimental treatment that has no long term data going to prevent the spread? His response to me was, “You know, I never thought about it like that.”
I almost drove off the road. How in the hell could he not think about it like that? His own wife who received the “vaccine” ended up getting severe COVID and God knows who she spread it to.
If you’ve read many of my posts, I’ve often asked for someone to explain the rationale for the measures being taken when the data clearly shows that they are not effective or justifiable, and that COVID is almost exclusively dangerous to people who are older and/or have major health issues. But for some reason, people continue to embrace the narrative despite the evidence.
According to Dr. Walensky of the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIAID, the vaccines do not prevent you from being infected with or spreading COVID. Remember the report from the CDC about an outbreak of COVID in Massachusetts in which 74% of the cases and 4 of the 5 hospitalized occurred in fully vaccinated people?
How about the outbreaks among NFL teams where the vast majority of players and coaches are vaccinated? Or the outbreaks on cruise ships where all crew and guests are required to be vaccinated? How about data showing that countries and states with the highest vaccination rates have the highest number of cases? Israel is rolling out a 4th booster because the vaccines that aren’t vaccines work so well.
Of course the media and government officials will be quick to make up bullshit like the following, “This means that while residents of the D.C. area may be less likely to suffer severe illness, hospitalization or death due to its 85 percent vaccination rate, the virus is still spreading rampantly among its population.”
Notice how they cover their asses by saying “may be less likely to suffer severe illness.” Why? Because it’s likely that vaccinated people are ending up in the hospital at high rates, but they intentionally don’t share that data. Instead, they’ll spout a disingenuous stat such as 99% of the hospitalized are unvaccinated which was true when the vaccines were first being rolled out because the vast majority of the population was unvaccinated then.
Or, they’ll state that as vaccination rates go up, we’ll see more vaccinated people get COVID which is true. But you would expect to see overall cases decline, not go up if the vaccines that aren’t vaccines were worth a damn.
I personally know at least as many vaccinated people as unvaccinated people who have caught COVID with essentially the same health outcomes.
I have asked myself and others over and over, how do so many people not see or acknowledge what is actually happening? As it turns out, the most likely explanation of what is occurring is Mass Psychosis, or more accurately, Mass Formation.
Mass Formation is similar to hypnosis, but occurs on a mass level whereas hypnosis happens to an individual. It is a real phenomenon that has been observed in witch-hunts in the old days, and totalitarian states such as Stalinist Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Mass Formation is the mechanism behind the absurd actions and grotesque atrocities accepted and often perpetrated by seemingly normal people.
You absolutely need to watch this fascinating and stunning interview with Dr. Mattias Desmet who is a statistician and Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium to get a good understanding Mass Formation.
In order for a Mass Formation to occur, there are 4 conditions that need to be satisfied:
Lack of social bonds: A large group of people need to feel a lack of connectedness to other people. This is not necessarily physical isolation, but is a feeling of loneliness which can occur even when surrounded by people.
Lack of meaning: People feel a lack of meaning in their personal lives and their jobs which stems from lack of social bonds.
High levels of free floating anxiety: We’re anxious but the anxiety is not necessarily connected to a mental representation (a lion that’s chasing us for example), or we don’t have a way to escape the anxiety so we can’t control it.
High levels of free floating frustration and aggression: People are frustrated, but can’t pinpoint the source of the frustration which actually arises from the first 3 conditions being met. People begin to look for a mental representation to which they can connect the anxiety and frustration.
Let’s see where we are at regarding these 4 conditions.
Even though we live in a highly connected world, 1 out of 5 Americans (20%) felt lonely or socially isolated “often” or “almost always” prior to the pandemic. Harvard University conducted a survey in October of 2020 and 36% of respondents reported serious loneliness. According to research conducted by Cigna, 3 out of 5 Americans classify as lonely and are less productive and satisfied at work continuing a trend in the wrong direction.
Lack of social bonds and lack of meaning? Check and check.
According to the CDC, 13.2% of adults during 2015-2018 used anti-depressants. 40 million Americans adults are affected by anxiety disorders each year resulting in an exploding number of anti-anxiety medication prescriptions.
High levels of free floating anxiety? Check.
You’d have to be brain dead to not see the high levels of frustration and aggression in this country, and most other western countries even prior to COVID. Trump becoming president signaled the end of the world for Democrats, and he became the favorite whipping boy for the left fueled by a media campaign for the ages.
Ironically, it was the anxiety and frustration felt by the other half of the country that got Trump elected. Pile on top every social injustice flashpoint imagined (inequality, trans/gay hate, systemic racism, CRT, police brutality, etc.) regardless of the true extent or reality of the injustice.
High levels of free floating frustration and aggression? Check!!
So we have easily satisfied all of the conditions to experience Mass Formation. The next stage is to distribute a narrative that identifies the object of anxiety, and which also provides a strategy to deal with the object anxiety. This free floating anxiety connects to this identified object of anxiety, and people become very willing to participate in the strategy to deal with that object of anxiety indicated in the narrative. As a result, a new kind of social bond emerges and people feel connected again.
COVID became our object of anxiety. The strategy? We were told we needed to social distance, lockdown for a couple of weeks, and wear masks to flatten the curve which only served to further isolate people and increase anxiety and fear, but we were “#Alone Together.” Remember that stupid phrase? We were “united” by being divided in fear that the next person you met could unintentionally kill you while waiting for the magical elixirs that were the only solution that would lift out us out of the pandemic. It was vaccines or death, no other option existed according to the narrative.
We suffer together while the government decides who gets to stay in business and provide for their families, and convinces us that untested, experimental gene therapies are our only salvation. These gene therapies were gratefully paid for by the taxpayers and developed by beneficent pharmaceutical companies that are shielded from any liability due to adverse effects of these experimental treatments because Big Pharma only has our health and best interests at heart.
Anybody who questions the narrative and doesn’t get on board with being part of the mass experiment is labeled a science denier and a selfish asshole who doesn’t care about others. Never mind that the data does not remotely back up the measures being dictated, and that little science is actually being employed by our overlords. Exercising extreme caution and skepticism would hardly be seen as selfish under normal circumstances.
The sacrificing of freedoms, livelihoods, and participating in a mass experiment for some false promise of safety is the new social bond. This bond is so emotionally powerful that even when overwhelming evidence to the contrary is presented people will continue to cling to the narrative and adhere to the bond.
Interestingly, it only takes about 20-30% of the population to create a mass formation, and the more absurd the narrative, the more they buy in. The Big Lie I wrote about previously is part of this process. These people are so bought in that even hearing Anthony Fauci himself state that the vaccines that aren’t vaccines don’t stop infection or transmission doesn’t seem to wake them up, and they wonder why people just won’t get on board with the program.
They will continue to spout the narrative regardless of obvious contradictions. In the case of COVID and the vaccines, they will continue to be proponents even when they themselves get infected and become really sick. “It would have been worse without the vaccine,” is what they will say. If they know someone who is vaccinated that ends up dying from COVID, they will blame it on the unvaccinated which has no basis in reality.
These people can be quite dangerous in fact, and are the ones who would turn in family members to the Gestapo because they are so bought in to the lie. Unfortunately, these hardcore adherents to the narrative are pretty much lost causes until it’s much too late. Most will go down with the ship.
Another 50% or so will go along with the narrative even though they may not necessarily buy into it. They just don’t want to be seen as rocking the boat. About 20% will not buy into the narrative at all, and will speak out wondering what the hell is wrong with the other 80% of the people.
I have frequently used the phrase, the magician’s wand, to describe COVID and the narrative not realizing how accurate the description was until I learned about Mass Formation. Similar to how a magician distracts his audience to pull off the illusion, the powers that be leverage real or manufactured crises such as “pandemics”, terrorist attacks, Russian election hacking, or climate change to distract the masses.
This distraction provides cover for the elites to advance their agenda in plain site while getting people to accept measures they would never agree to under normal circumstances. Each subsequent crisis builds off the prior. The “Patriot Act” after 9/11 would be a great example from the George W. era.
The Patriot Act, which was written years before 9/11 occurred, essentially gave the government the right to declare anyone a terrorist and suspend their rights to due process. Our government and politicians (and the puppet masters behind them) are always looking out for their citizens, and would never abuse those powers or force medical procedures or experimentation on us though.
Well, except for the eugenics programs in the United States starting the late 1800s with forced sterilizations occurring as recently as 2010, and which were the inspiration for Hitler’s eugenics programs. Then there were the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments conducted by the predecessor to the CDC where black men who were infected with syphilis were given placebos instead of treatment to see the effect of syphilis. Oh yeah, we also got the MK Ultra mind control experiments by the CIA testing drugs and psychological torture techniques on unwitting U.S. citizens. I guess I shouldn’t leave out the experiments conducted on HIV positive children in New York City which were conducted under Anthony Fauci’s overwatch.
But that’s all ancient history. 2010 was like a decade ago for God’s sake. Our country doesn’t do that kind of stuff now, right?
And of course, governments always relinquish powers once they are no longer needed. Unfortunately, now it’s not just foreign terrorists you have to worry about. Pesky domestic terrorists such as people questioning the COVID narrative necessitate the Patriot Act remains in force.
So, what is the elite’s agenda with COVID?
Getting every man, woman, and child to take experimental vaccines is certainly one part of the agenda, but to what end? It’s been obvious for quite some time that the measures being taken have nothing to do with actual science, but there are hundreds of billions of dollars at stake with the vaccines.
If I had to venture a guess though, I would say it goes much deeper than just money. This is where many of you will think I’ve gone off the deep end if you hadn’t thought that already.
For years I have been concerned about a growing push for Global Totalitarianism which is Professor Desmet’s theory about where all of this is heading as well. I will present my case for Global Totalitarianism in Part 2, but before I close for now, it’s important to point out that the 20% or so who are awake and see what is going on need to speak up.
That does not mean that you should be confrontational or aggressive; that will only drive the 30% of the hardcore hypnotized deeper into their corners, and will alienate the 50% who are the target. These people are fragile and literally can’t help themselves right now. But you can’t be afraid to speak up either, or I guarantee the worst will happen.
The 50% know something isn’t quite right and they see the conflicting evidence. They are waiting for some kind of clarity or direction. The propaganda machine is still running strong, but the narrative is collapsing because the truth is becoming so self-evident. They need to hear this message over and over to deprogram them.
We may already be too far gone, but I suppose the good news is that totalitarianism always destroys itself. Unfortunately, it will be hell on earth until it implodes. Hopefully enough people stand up and we can turn this around.